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NFT Stars Cover.JPG

STARS Music NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

Limited to 10 editions

0.025ETH each

Collect here 


Holders also receive:

- a free ticket or live stream link to my next show

- a free NFT from a future collection

- access to future online concerts


Written and performed by Lark. Produced, mixed & mastered by Jono Fernandez in Sydney, Australia 2024. Image is generated by AI.

What is an NFT?


An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, as a special digital certificate that says, "Hey, this piece of music is unique, and you own it!" 


Here's how it works in simpler terms:

Digital Music: You know how you can download songs or listen to them online? Well, an NFT can be attached to a song or an album, making it special.

Ownership: Normally, when you buy music, you're just buying a copy. But with an NFT, it's like you own the original piece, kind of like owning the only copy of a poster or a vinyl album signed by your favourite musician.

Uniqueness: Each NFT has its own unique code, like a fingerprint, so no one else can claim they have the exact same thing. This is different from regular digital music where anyone can have the same file.

Value: Because it's unique, and maybe because the artist did something cool with it (like a special animation or extra digital goodies), it might be worth more. People might pay more for it because it's one-of-a-kind or because it comes with special perks, like meeting the artist or getting other music for free.

Blockchain: This is where it gets a bit techy – the ownership and uniqueness are recorded on something called a blockchain, which is like a super secure online ledger where everyone can see who owns what, but no one can change it without everyone knowing.

Trading and selling: You can keep this NFT forever as a collector's item, or you can decide to sell or trade it to someone else. The value could go up if the music becomes really popular or if the artist is successful.


So, a music NFT is like owning a piece of art in the digital world – it's your very own, it's special, and it can even make you part of a fan club or give you cool extras that others don't get.

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